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Once again photographer friends and I are doing our monthly photo challenge. Our theme for this “Living a Life” series is this quote: “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ― Mary Oliver No trip to the grocery store would be complete without a trip to the bathroom…. Trying to get […]
I always love seeing this family! And, as I mentioned in their Facebook sneak peek, I even got hugs and a kiss from their little guys. Best job ever! 🙂 If you’d like to join my family mailing list to be notified of family session times coming up, click here:
Friday Favs – Favorite Things From the Past Week… – The response to the Mother’s Day giveaway – wow! I am seriously blown away and so excited. Thank you to everyone who entered!! I am very excited to see who wins this! – Warm weather (yes I’m excited about this every week!). It is so […]
Friday Favs: Favorite Things From the Past Week… – Doing a shoot with my sister, Kelsey, who was home visiting for a few days. We don’t see each other often enough so it was fun to hang out. And for the first time, other than her grad, it was her idea instead of mine! 😉 […]