
Baby Time – My Maternity Photos

This baby girl arrives in another week or two, so I thought why not share a few of my maternity photos! This will be our fourth baby, and our fourth girl! Yes, my husband is a saint ;), and no he doesn’t mind a bit.


If you’ve ever kind of dreaded getting photos taken, know you’re not alone! It was cold outside, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been pregnant, and I am tired and sore. We rescheduled a couple of times due to the weather. And my hair – well let’s just say I didn’t leave enough time for my hair! Also, I ordered three dresses online and my favorites didn’t fit at all. I know some of you have been there! 😉


All that being said, I’m so glad we braved the freezing cold and made it happen. I love these little humans, and I’m so glad I get to be their mom! Having photos of us together is priceless and worth all of the effort! Luckily, my makeup was great thanks to Michelle Forsyth, and my kids and I all love Kaylee Ralph Photography – so there were two things I didn’t have to worry about!


This is my spunky four year old, my middle child who won’t be the only middle child for much longer! She is so helpful and I know she is going to just love her new baby sister!


Our crew! I still can’t believe we have all girls! But we wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂


I have never regretted having photos taken – especially with my kids! It’s not always the easiest thing to do – to schedule, prep for and actually do – but it’s worth it! 🙂



Makeup: Michelle Forsyth

Photos: Kaylee Ralph Photography 

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