Brands, Commercial

Realtor Brand Photography | Julie Jenkins

Isn’t this session amazing?? Julie had so many fun ideas for her realtor brand photography session – she knew what content she needed to put out on Instagram, she just needed the photos ready to go for them. She shares helpful tips for staging your home, listings, and more, so we created images for that content. We also grabbed some shots for her billboards, signage, and website.

In a 3-hour session we can get through quite a few outfit changes so you have content for months! We had the most beautiful location to use – a private residence in Coaldale. Huge shoutout to the owner for her generosity, who is also named Julie!

Planning Julie’s realtor brand photography session

When we were planning Julie’s realtor brand photography shoot, we knew we wanted a beautiful home and this amazing homeowner had reached out to me previously and offered her home for a photoshoot. It turns out that both of these Julie’s have a love for donkeys, so they not only share a name but interests too! It seemed like the perfect match and it was just meant to be.

Realtor standing at kitchen counter - realtor brand photography
Realtor brand photography session - realtor standing in living room

Lighting Julie’s realtor brand photography session

This house has lots of large windows and normally it has a lot of gorgeous natural light. When we shot this session, it was a very overcast January day and it was so dark!! We ended up lighting almost every single shot with artificial lighting – can you tell? Pro tip on choosing a brand photographer – make sure they can still get great photos when there isn’t much light to work with!

Realtor sitting in front of laptop with hands in the air celebrating during her realtor brand photography session.
Lethbridge and area brand photography session. Realtor sitting on floor wearing white button-up shirt and jeans.

Custom signs for Instagram posts

We included a variety of signs to quickly communicate on social media. New listing is something that Julie will use often!

Woman holding "new listing" sign for her realtor brand photography session.
Realtor brand photography can include photos of signs to use for Instagram posts - this one says "Sold"
Realtor holding "New Listing" sign for her realtor brand photography shoot.

Holiday Instagram Content for a realtor brand photography session

Posting about holidays is something Julie knew she would be doing, so we found some ways to create content for the holidays coming up – when we shot this in February, we planned for Valentine’s Day, Easter, and St. Patrick’s Day!

Realtor juggling easter eggs

We took a few photos in different outfits for cutting Julie out of the photo and putting her next to an ad or message.

Lethbridge and area realtor brand photography
Realtor brand photography holding a lockbox

Tips on staging your home – hide the Kleenex boxes!!

Realtor brand photography - holding a kleenex box for an Instagram post about staging your home

Julie loves to celebrate with her clients!! She knew she would need a celebration image or two to use.

Realtor brand photography - this image shows her throwing confetti into the air

And a personal favorite of both mine and Julie’s! Wearing all of the hats as a mom and wife and friend and sister and daughter and realtor etc and she does it so well.

Realtor brand photography showing a realtor wearing all of the hats and doing all of the things! Riding a skateboard while talking on the phone with a client, holding her daughter's dance costume, coffee, her laptop, son's hockey bag, tea in her famous mug, fruit for the kids, etc.

Julie is an amazing person and this shoot was so fun! Can’t wait for the next one Julie!

You can find Julie’s Instagram page here to see how she’s using them and get in touch to sell your home or poperty: Julie Jenkins Instagram

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5 Keys to Amazing Brand Photos

Realtor brand photography
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