
Lethbridge Personal Brand Photographer | Tamara Rzan

As a Lethbridge personal brand photographer, I get to work with a range of clients from all types of businesses. Tamara Rzan is a realtor working out of the Crownest Pass and surrounding area. She is a ball of energy, optimism and drive. We captured a variety of different outfits and looks in her session so that she had variety for her social media and website. Detail shots were important so she could use them for a “sold” type of post, or when she is posting about contracts and paperwork. These detail photos can be used in lots of ways but definitely break up your IG feed. Tamara brought in a model to represent a client to show her at work. This shows how friendly and attentive she is without using words.


This session was a great way to showcase many different poses and the variety we can capture in a personal brand photography session. Using outfit changes and a box of props, we can make 2 locations result in 100+ photos with so much variety! If you shoot an entire session in one outfit, when you’re posting all of those images will start to look the same. You’ll get tired of them before you utilize all of them! My goal is to help you maximize every shoot to get the most use from the images we create.

The Process

A successful personal brand photography session starts with planning. It’s about 50% planning and 50% execution – you need both! So, to start the process of personal brand photos, we jump on a Discovery call. On this call we talk about your business, your brand, and then your photo needs. I ask you questions about who you’re marketing to, what you want your photos to say about your brand, and also where you need photos! We start to brainstorm what a shoot would look like to meet your needs, which is the fun part!

Following the call, I create a custom proposal for you with package options to meet your needs. You select a package, and then we get you booked! This means signing a contract and paying 50% of the package price as a retainer. Then, we schedule your planning call!

The planning call is where we finalize the details of your shoot – the location, the props, wardrobe, timeline, models if needed, etc. We create a shotlist of the photos you need, and we also take a look at any inspiration you’ve gathered for your personal brand photos.

Shoot Day

After we’ve planned all the things, shoot day comes next! You and I carry in all the props, clothes, etc and get that situated, and then we get to work! We follow the shoot plan to make sure we get everything, while having fun! We play some music, talk and laugh through it all!

The Delivery

Two weeks following your personal brand photography session, you receive an email with a link to your online gallery of images. You get to download them and put them to use!

Any questions? Use the contact me form above! I would love to chat about being your Lethbridge personal brand photographer and how I can help you.

Want to see more Lethbridge personal brand photography inspiration? Check out Lethbridge Business Photographer | Brand Minis, Knap Creative brand photos, or Rhonda At Home | Personal Brand Photo Props.

Realtor talking on her phone
Two women looking at paint samples
Signing a contract
Tamara Rzan is a Crowsnest Pass realtor, and she is pictured here sitting on the floor in a home. Pose example by Kinsey Holt Photography
Realtor talking to a client in her personal brand photography session. Captured by Lethbridge brand photographer Kinsey Holt
Realtor personal brand photography by Lethbridge brand photographer Kinsey Holt
Realtor brand photos by Lethbridge brand photographer Kinsey Holt
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